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Safety&HealthㆍEnvironment Management Policy
We apply company management regulation to Safety&Health policy, regulate detailed practice rule and regulation so as
to be practiced by all employees, and systemically manage corrective measures for industrial accident prevention system.

Safety&Health Management Regulation

  • 01.Select Safety&Health for basic element of management decision and Provide safe work environment continously to all workplaces.
  • 02.Set a Safety & other detailed goals through management of Safety&Health System and try our best to manage Safety&Health all of our employees could lead healthy work life.
  • 03.Make all employees understand Safety&Health policy and execute educational training for complying related rules and regulations.
  • 04.Encourage improving work environment through continuous Safety&Health manage, Risk Deletion and Personal health improvement of all employees.
  • 05.Continue development as an accident-free workplace with thorough safety management.
  • 06.Strengthen and expand our cooperation with alliated company by sharing company regulations.
Accident-free workplace
With participation of manager, director and employee, UNISEM Corp. preengages safety&health in work area, eradicates all types of industrial accidents, and encourages human-centered vivid and pleasant atmosphere. By doing this, we met the goal of accident free of multiples of 18 in January, 2016.
Enhancing Safety Activity
By looting out/ameliorating risks in workplace, we prevent an accident and operate various emergency response training focused on all employees.

Environment Management Policy

  • 01.Enact, declare environment policy for achieving eco-friendly management, and meet the transparent environment management.
  • 02.Maintain Environment System by managing harmful pollutants and equipments thoroughly.
  • 03.Refine the goal for effective environment management and improve managing quality through continuous work enhancement.
  • 04.All employees are encouraged to understand and coply the environment policy, and participate educational training program actively so as to continue environment management activity by good communication.
  • 05.Focus on pollution free activity with developing technology and method to comply related regulations in Korea.
  • 06.Continue development as a eco-friendly business by sharing our environment policy with our affliated company and community.
UNISEM Corp. got ISO 14001 as an international standardization of environmental management system in 2014,
reflected the management policy, and made management system applied to work processing.

With environmental effect evaluation/risk evaluation of harmful chemicals,
we are finding and managing the effects on human.
Also, we are doing special education for chemicals handler and performing prevention check for
chemicals related accident. Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) is placed in on-site so as to faciliate accessibility.